If you're looking for the trifecta of delta-8 THC, CBD, and CBG in a robust package—then our D8 twax pre-roll is just the thing for you.
Don't be intimidated—our Delta-8 King Size Caviar Flower Pre-Roll will have you feeling fantastic. The CBD and CBG will fill you with calm relaxation as the delta-8 THC lifts you into the clouds.
Now you might be wondering—how did we put together this incredible pre-roll? We started by deciding that we would craft the pre-roll using only outstanding ingredients.
First, we take a king-size pre-roll and fill it with our premium CBD flower. Keep in mind that these are premium flowers, and absolutely no shake or subpar ingredients are used.Then, we slather a thick layer of delta-8 THC distillate on to the flower.
The result is an incredible twax pre-roll that contains 22% CBD, 16% delta-8 THC, and 7% CBG content.
Once you receive your pre-roll, all you need to do is light it up and start puffing. After one inhale, you'll realize that our Delta-8 King Size Caviar CBD Flower Pre-Roll is all killer and no-filler.
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SKU: PRE-012